Introducing the NPMDT Newsletter Team

Introducing the NPMDT Newsletter Team

Introducing the NPMDT Newsletter Team

Dear Family,

It is with Love and appreciation that I present to you the very first newsletter for our newly launched global New Paradigm MDT site! Let me begin by introducing to you our newsletter editorial team:

Xavier Beaussire from France, with many thanks for some behind the scenes gentle nudges to all who provided info.

Veronica Ramsdahl from Finland, who has my gratitude for writing a very insightful report on the Shamballa Family School in Cambodia (to be published soon!)

Based in New York, USA I get to collaborate with these two, and two of our site wizards, Joe Weaver from North Carolina, USA, and Juha Laukkanen, also in Finland, to pull something newsletter worthy together for our family.

It is so inspiring to read that combined efforts from all of our family are making a difference, whether it be financial or in some other form. It’s all energy right? While financial systems as we have come to know them are falling apart around us, a new one is being built collectively. Collectively means that each of us has an active part in it. So it matters how we relate to money, in order to share like the free and fearless ones we have stepped up to embody as Shamballans. Surely I am not alone when I say I too am still learning how to incorporate the Oneness concepts from 4D, 5D and up into 3D. So it is with much compassion and appreciation that I say to you: thank you for your part in the growing and feeding of our family. The association fees are a small part of what feeds our family. Teachers were asked to contribute 10% of workshop profits, and because this didn’t always happen, the associations had to raise their fees for issuing manuals and certificates. This doesn’t mean it cannot still happen. John and some others in our family do contribute extra personal funds to projects. Feel free to donate more when you can, and Love yourself when you are challenged in the department of sharing money. You may find you can contribute energy in some other form.

Thanks to the reports we are sharing this time, you may well catch that excitement buzz I received just by getting a glimpse of what we are collectively putting out as a family, on our beloved planet Earth. Read Sophie Barsacq’s account of how Sandie is fairing with the Homeopathic dispensary and healing center in Nianing, Senegal. My heart goes out to Sandie and her team. Veronica reports on the very first Shamballa Family School in Cambodia. The girls and their teacher at this school too have my heart. They are paving a new way for girls to help feed their families, and live fulfilling lives. Lastly I report on the very first Stargate Workshop that took place in Massachusetts, USA, facilitated by John Armitage/Baba, which was attended by forty five of our beautiful international family! I encourage you to have a look at each of the articles. It may amplify just how much Shamballa and Mahatma is on within each one of us!

There is always more going on then we can zero in on, so I am calling on you to share - via email - to Xav, Veronica or me reports on how you are being and spreading the love in your neighborhood. And thank you, thank you, thank you for being who you are, and all you contribute!

Shamballa On!

Nell Tomassen Reboh
Newsletter Editorial Team