New Paradigm MDT mission statement
- To promote the incarnation of this New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation energy on planet earth.
- To make people aware of their capacity and ability to choose their own life paths in freedom, in non-judgement, in love and respect for themselves and all of creation
Philosophy at a universal level
- It is the will of Mother / Father God to experience through the whole of Creation
- Humankind is part of the whole of Creation
- Humankind is an incarnation of the energy of God / Goddess / All-That-Is
- Everyone has the capacity of experiencing wholeness and knowing that they are part of the God /Goddess energy
- The experience of wholeness is realized by love without conditions and respect for all life forms in the universe, i.e. respect for all living beings on planet earth and beyond.
On Planet Earth
- People live in the illusion of being separate, thrown out of the wholeness of Creation
- Everyone is born free in this world of duality
- Everyone is free to choose what they want to experience
- The experience of wholeness is realized by love without conditions and respect for all life forms in the universe, i.e. respect for all living beings on planet earth and beyond
- Mastery means self-mastery
Philosophy of healing
- Healing is nothing more and nothing less than facilitating individuals on their path to experience freedom and wholeness according to their own free will and their Divine Plan