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I offer the Basic Master and Basic Teacher Course
Hi, I'm Nitya Lynda McIntosh, based in Perthshire, Scotland. We are extremely fortunate to have this expansive, life-enhancing Multi-Dimensional energy system. As your teacher I share with you the clearings, activations and meditations and guide you towards making NPMDT yours. Helping you remember - and celebrate - your unique-ness, that everything you experience is valid. NPMDT gives you the tools and insight to grow, flourish and love. Turn every fear into an opportunity to embrace (more) love.
I offer the Basic Master and Basic Teacher Course.
I am originally from Aberdeen, Scotland where I ran Aberdeen Wellbeing Centre, and with the help of NPMDT learned how to live from my full potential, in Mastery and with love, which led me to move to Perth, Scotland where I continue to share the values of authenticity, unconditional love and truth.
I've been meditating since 1984, a qualified yoga teacher, Energy Healer and Complementary Therapist. Discovering NPMDT in 2008 accelerated my life and spiritual growth immensely, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Country of activity: Scotland
City: Kinross, Perthshire, Scotland
Contacts: thenaturalwellbeingacademy@gmail.com
Website: www.thenaturalwellbeingacademy.com
Tel: 07817 984 503