About: Nesho

- Role : Facilitator
- Website : http://violetlighted.com
- Experience :
- Specialist in : BM,BMT,13D
Nesho is a New Paradigm Specialist geared on facilitating the ascension process for the whole of humanity. Coming from the background of entertainment, music, art, and partying he has developed communication skills that allow him to reach a wide variety of species. Through humor, kindness, and sensitivity he is able to assist others through their shift of becoming more loving and elevated towards themselves and towards others. Since childhood he has been connecting with spirits, playing with energy, and as a teenager he stumbled upon the ability to heal with his hands. Many years and many parties later he felt blessed to come across the experience of NPMDT, which integrated all of the aspects of the soul experience in a grounded way. He found it to be parallel to aspects of the vision questing he went through earlier in his life. Now, Nesho is grateful to be teaching New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation workshops that focus on raising the consciousness of his clients and students through the universal power of love.
Contact: violetlighted@gmail.com
Phone: 773-993-6865
Website: violetlighted.com