Linda Goodwin

About: Linda Goodwin

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Hi I’m Linda Goodwin RN CCE, I’ve been a registered nurse for the past 49 years. My specialty is Maternal-Child Health working both as a Labor and Delivery nurse and Childbirth educator. I am also a New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation Master/Teacher and Healer, a Shamanic Practitioner and Crystalologist.

I began my Spiritual path 15 years ago, when I was drawn to Reiki but found I couldn’t get into a class due to my work schedule. Then I found an intro class to NPMDT on my night off! Thus, began my journey. I became a Master/Teacher in this modality. After that I began expanding my complimentary energy healing to include Crystals, Flower essences, Aromatherapy, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and Meditation. To balance these energy techniques, I studied Shamanism and am now a Shamanic Practitioner.

I belong to the following professional organizations:

New Paradigm MDT Americas Association
American Holistic Nurses Association
I teach NPMD Master Basic, NPMDT Master/Teacher & Crystal Classes.

Pepperell Massachusetts USA
