About: Caleen Bohl

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Since 2008, I have been an Energy Healing Facilitator and teacher in numerous modalities in the greater Milwaukee, WI area. Modalities include, New Paradigm MDT, shamanism (mesa carrier of the Inka tradition), tuning fork sound healing, craniosacral, meditation, and crystals. I also taught Reiki for 12 years, but found New Paradigm MDT to be more expansive and empowering.
For those who would like to step beyond fear and into love without conditions, I offer NPMDT Basic Master and Basic Master Teacher training classes. If interested, please see website and contact info below.
Country & State: USA, Wisconsin
Email: calleen@lovinglighthealing.net
Website: https://lovinglighthealing.net
Phone: 1 (414) 702-7478