About: Nell Tomassen Reboh

- Role :
- Website : https://e-lxr.com
- Experience :
- Specialist in : Cognitive Trauma Release Work
Classes Handling
Class Name | Class Type |
New Paradigm MDT Basic Master Teacher | onsite |
New Paradigm MDT Basic Master Course | onsite |
New Paradigm MDT Basic Master | onsite |
NPDMT Basic Master, Basic Master Teacher, 13D Master, Lifetime Member of New Paradigm MDT Americas Association
Facilitates: NPMDT Basic Master & Basic Master Teacher
Passionate about sharing the gifts of being, allowing and beaming the Love we are in essence, I founded E-l’xr in 2010, to promote heart centered living in conscious, co-creative partnerships.
E-l'xr (Eternal Love eXemplified Resonance) is a ministry of Light, that provides vibrational remedies with the use of gemstones, tree, and flower essences, in service to humanity, Mother Earth and all life forms.
Services and products offered today are:
- birth & rebirth doula services for all stages of life, focused on autonomous, peaceful transitions
- individual energy therapy sessions, couples, parent/child, animal/owner & group sessions
- cognitive trauma release work
- a line of gem-elixirs channeled from Source
- New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation workshops
Oneonta New York USA