About: Cristina Irimie

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Born in Transylvania I came to England 22 years ago and this became my home. Being a migrant at 16 on my own in Devon opened me to searching beyond the feelings of losing my identity and not fitting in a new system. My connection to energy work, energy grid works, sacred places of the Earth, faith and creative arts came in many forms as the years passed. I experienced working and feeling the energy as a client of different systems such as Reiki, Prana Nadi, my own spontaneous intuitive healing technique developed intuitively in 2017. My father whom I loved very much was diagnosed with terminally ill cancer. I was told that he has a few weeks left to live. I refused to believe he is dying and became overnight a light worker. It was spontaneous and guided from above. He did eventually die, 6 months later and left me beyond sorrow with the feeling that he died in peace. In pain, but at peace. It also left me with unanswered questions and I began a period of intense research, reading, questioning and learning from the wisdom of the past. There were times when I rebelled, times when I went into deep feelings of serendipity and peace, and then times when I understood that as much as I want to ignore it at times, I have a way of opening people's hearts, in the depth of their vulnerability and open them up on their own quest and journey of remembering, of opening to love and light.
I found New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation on my quest to better understand who I am, what I am here to do beyond my personal and professional life. I now know the 13D Master Course and the 13D Master Teacher Training Course were stages of remembering what I feel I have already known, experienced, lived a long, long time ago. Meeting and learning from John Armitage has been for me a great honour as I feel he is one of the greatest teachers of light and long forgotten wisdom alive. Teaching the New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation Courses in England, where they initially began, in London and sacred places of the UK feels the right path for me at this stage of my journey.
The only wish I have isĀ of supporting people on their journey to find their own path to light and oneness; that of being there to support people in remembering the gentle grace and love we all miss when we start searching. I intent to hold special courses for economic migrants and refugees, with the aim of opening hearts beyond the survival programmes which so often settle in migrants lives. Being there to connect people, no matter where they come from and where they live, rich or poor, to the power of now, of I can and I will, of freedom and love without conditions is something I choose to say YES to, feeling only compassion for those who need to ask WHY.
May grace and blessings be felt in as many hearts as I can touch!
Contact: cririmie@gmail.com