Love for and sharing with our human brothers and sisters is of the highest priority because this is the way towards world Peace!
New Paradigm MDT is not just for the rich!
For a large part of humanity poverty is a huge problem. Many just do not have the financial means to live (home, food, good health), go to school, earn a decent living let alone learn about Shamballa or develop the understanding about living in peace and from Love without conditions.
The Foundation sees it as a profound task to spread this New Paradigm MDT objective in poorer countries by financially supporting projects and workshops. Riches give the opportunity for sharing. By sharing in freedom we can show others how to step into their freedom, and by giving we give this freedom to other parts of our selves in the world. More information about the projects can be found here.
To contact the foundation please visit the contact page here.
The Foundation statutes can be downloaded here